FAQ - Docker

If your issue cannot be resolved by any of the FAQ, please email bryanlimyt@suss.edu.sg for assistance.

Table of contents


  • Operating System: macOS (ARM-based), Windows (AMD-based)

Docker Installation

macOS (ARM-based)

  • Install Docker Desktop: Download the latest version of Docker Desktop from the official site here.

Windows (AMD-based)

  • WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux): Ensure that WSL 2 is enabled on your Windows machine. Follow the instructions here.
  • Install Docker Desktop: Download the latest version of Docker Desktop from the official site here.

Verify Docker Installation

After installing Docker Desktop, verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal:

docker --version

Using LinuxServer Images with Docker

The VLI team heavily relies on LinuxServer images based on Kasm, and here are some of the key ones used:

  1. linuxserver/code-server: Provides a web-based Visual Studio Code environment.
  2. linuxserver/docker-baseimage-alpine: Lightweight base image using Alpine Linux.
  3. linuxserver/docker-kasm: A Kasm-based container image
  4. linuxserver/baseimage-kasmvnc: A Kasm VNC-based container image

How to decide which LinuxServer image to use

It depends on your project requirements. For example, if you need a web-based Visual Studio Code environment, you can use linuxserver/code-server. If you need a Kasm-based container image, you can use linuxserver/docker-kasm.

Is Docker Desktop required for macOS and Windows?

Yes, Docker Desktop is required for macOS and Windows. It is a tool that allows you to run Docker containers on your local machine.